Hours of Operation:

Regular business hours for Kiddie Korner are 7:15am to 5:30pm Monday through Friday. Open 12 months a year with certain federal holiday closings.

Schedules: Meals, Snacks and Naps:

Children attending Kiddie Korner will be served state approved nutritious meals and snacks at the times listed below. Suggestions as to your child’s likes and dislikes in food, as well as information about food allergies your child may have, are appreciated.

Breakfast: 8:30am to 9:00am

Lunch: 11:30am to 12:00pm

Snack: 3:00pm to 4:00pm


Preschool is offered Monday through Friday from 9:30am to 11:00 am with an afternoon session from 3:30 to 5:00pm to finish any art projects and activities. We offer weekly themed lesson plans and use preschool express themed lessons.

Questions and Concerns and Comments:

It is important that communication lines between the facility staff and the parents/guardians remain open and clear. If you any questions concerns or comments please feel free to contact the facility to express your thoughts. Please be professional and considerate of feelings of other parents/guardians, facility employees, and children during your discussion. (written or verbal)Discipline:

The owner and employees of Kiddie Korner do not feel that harsh punishment is necessary during instances of conflict. Methods taught through state approved trainings are used to calm the child, redirect and focus attention on positive subjects and issue a proper warning. If another problem arises, the disruptive child will be placed in timeout for a period equal to the child’s age. Instances of excessive timeouts or situations where the child can no longer be controlled by the personnel of the facility, the parent/guardian will be contacted and the child will be removed from the care of Kiddie Korner for the remainder of the day.

No physical Activity Withheld

Our facility does not withhold active playtime for children when they misbehave.

Additional Physical Activity

Our facility provides a total of 120 minutes of active playtime to children each day.

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